The Virtual Exchange

I don't want to put too much emphasis on the Virtual Exchange, but since it's a mandatory part of CBYX now, I'll go ahead and give you as much detail is necessary.

The CBYX Virtual Exchange is meant to be a way for us to connect with our German counterparts currently participating in CBYX in the States. Previously, the Virtual Exchange was an optional part of the experience. This year, the 34th year of CBYX, they decided to make it mandatory for all participants.

As a part of the Virtual Exchange, we were all told to choose one of three topics based on our personal interests:

  1. Free Speech and Debate
  2. The Role of the Media in the US
  3. Volunteerism

We were also all assigned a German partner. We were never really told why we were assigned our particular partners (other than because we had chosen the same topic), and we only found out how our partners were chosen at the mid-year seminar. As it turns out, the Cultural Vistas staff went through all 75 Americans and all 75 Germans and, based on hobbies and interests and stuff, paired us personally. It was nice to know that we weren't just put into some software and randomly matched.

I was paired with Giovanna, a young woman from northern Germany (near Hamburg) who was placed in Tuscon, AZ. Giovanna and I got on well, but because she was in a part of the US with which I was almost entirely unfamiliar, we weren't really able to connect on that level. We also don't have similar backgrounds or career interests, so while talking to Giovanna was always pleasant, it was pretty hard to really get into a solid, meaningful conversation over just WhatsApp and Snapchat.

As the year progresses, the Cultural Vistas staff periodically sends out emails detailing the next Virtual Exchange assignment. To complete the assignment, you have to do a quick write-up of your thoughts/experiences on a private, Cultural Vistas-run online forum. Some of the assignments involved simply stating and expanding on our own thoughts about a certain topic, and others required us to fulfill a task and subsequently report on it.

Not every participant takes the Virtual Exchange equally seriously. Some people still haven't managed to get in touch with their partners, while others have truly found a friend in them. When it comes to the forum, some people spend five minutes typing up their response, others take a half an hour. Personally, I tried to do my best when it came to the Virtual Exchange. I figured that, if this is one of the hoops that Congress and the Bundestag want me to jump through to demonstrate that I was a worthwhile pick for this program, then I'll do it as well as I can.

As of right now, I find the Virtual Exchange to be a bit lacking, but I was really happy to be put in touch with Giovanna. I think it has the potential to generate some really interesting dialogue, but it just needs a bit more time. I know it will only get better and more engaging.


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