T-1 Month Before I Go

So. We're down to one. One single, minuscule, teeny-tiny month before I leave for Deutschland. I am



Internally, of course.

It is so insane to think that I will be packing up my belongings in a matter of weeks to head off for the next year of my life. It is overwhelming to consider how challenging it will be. It is disorienting to realize that there is still so much that I don't know about how I'll be living in Germany.

And it's also really exciting.

It's invigorating to know that all I'll have from home is one suitcase, a carry-on, and a backpack. It's thrilling to think about all the amazing experiences I'll have in two different, massive German cities. It's mind-boggling to realize I'll be speaking effortlessly in another language when I return.

Realizing that this post was due became the focus of my whole day. Throughout the morning, afternoon, and evening I could wipe neither the smile from my cheeks nor the worry from my brow. I've still got so much to do before I leave, but I simultaneously cannot wait to get on with this new adventure. I'll be patient.

I worry a little more every day about the people I'm leaving. I realized I'm not good at staying connected with people; I'm a person that assumes that, unless you reach out to me, you'd rather not speak to me. I'm also realizing how very incorrect that assumption is, and how lazy of me it is to assume such a thing. So, in short, I'll be reaching out to people more. I don't want to lose sight of everyone that has brought me to this point in my life--it's been a team effort for sure. Granted, I know that, as soon as I depart, I will be overwhelmed with tasks and information and expectations and dreams and adventures and what-have-you. In short, feel free to reach out to me, too. I'll still need the support while I'm away.

My mind is racing, and I'm pretty sure it's racing to nowhere at this point. I've been shopping for the perfect shoe to take with me for 3 weeks, and I don't even have an acceptable business wardrobe yet. I'm thinking about passport wallets, but not about my German resume.

I'm a mess, and I think that sums up what it's like to be one month out from the most difficult/rewarding year of your life.

Auf wiedersehen!


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